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بسمه تعالی
Graduate Studies ThesisDissertation Information
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Title of ThesisDissertation:
A comparative examination of Soroush’s Pluralism Theory and Nasrs’s Transcendental Unity of Religions Theory
Author: Haniehsadat Seyedi
Supervisor(s): Dr Jahangir Masoodi
Advisor(s): Dr Alireza Kohansal
Faculty: Theology and Islamic studies
Defense Date: —
Approval Date:
Number of Pages:
M. Sc. l Ph. D. ¡
Pluralism or religious pluralism is the most importantepistemological concern.The plurality of religions is not main issue but its reason is central concern. Religious pluralism andtranscendent unity of religions are reactions to this matter. Pluralism tries to approve truthfulness of other religions and their followers salvation. Dr. Sorushas the supporter of this idea, on the basis of kant’s epistemology and philosophical hermeneutics has claimed the followers of other religions have not received the Truth but only achieved it’s representation. According to him, kant’s epistemology includes religious experience. DrSorush claims the religious experience is primary core of all religions, but different cultures and impressionshave played their role in its interpretations and offered manifold commentaries. Dr. Nasr as a representative of traditionalism, on the basis of Genon, Schuon and Islamic Sufis believes in inward unity of religions. According to him, although the surface of religions are incompatible, their inward is one and the same. He also emphasizes on inner and eternal wisdom as common axis among all religions. And finally, he attaches to all religions divine origin. To put it in comparative perspective, we can say their similarity is belief in truthfulness of all religions and their followers salvation. But their dissimilarity has concerned with the way of this approach. Dr. Sorush has used kant’s epistemology and philosophical hermeneutics and Dr. Nasr has emphasized on traditionalism.
Key Words:
Religious epistemology, religious pluralism, Dr. Sorush, transcendent unity of religions, Dr. Nasr, eternal wisdom